Why Key West Was Originally Named "Bone Island
The fierce Calusa Indians were said to leave the remains of their enemies on the beaches of Key West, thus creating Key West's first name, Cayo Hueso... Island of Bones.
Key West Sites
"Your user friendly guide to Key West Florida"
Womenfest Key West
Join thousands of women from all over the world as they descend on this beautiful little island to relax, take in the sun and enjoy non-stop entertainment, contests and more. |
Womenfest Key West FAQ's:
Question: What is Womenfest Key West?
Answer: Womenfest Key West is a celebration of lesbian women held annually.
Question: Where does the festival take place?
Answer: At Atlantic Shores in Key West, Florida.
Question: How many days does the festival go on for?
Answer: It is a six day festival.
Question: What events does the festival feature?
Answer: The festival features live music, water activities, art exhibits, fashion shows, golf tournament, comedy shows, bikini contests, an much more.
Editors Choice:
Womenfest Key West
The Womenfest official page featuring event schedule, photo gallery, links, travel info, and more.
Best Festival Photos:
Click Here to View Festival Photos
View the Womenfest's home page photo gallery.
Best Area Maps:
Click Here For Area Map
Mapquest provides a map to the address where the festival is held.